Cafe - About Us
Our story...
I always over hear people in our beautiful little botanical cafe, on Marine Terrace in Geraldton, asking how it works.
Let me share our story with you (in a very short version). In 2016 Darren and I took over Tarts & Co Catering, our first ever small business. We spent the year learning, growing and loving the small business world.
In 2017 a lovely friend asked for some advice as she was considering selling BotanicalDEN and moving back to the East Coast.
By the end of our initial conversation, I knew I wanted to add that to our lives and we became owners of the wonderful florist - BotanicalDEN. No, I hadn't been formally trained, but I learnt on the job and our unique style is what makes our Blooms special.
In the months that followed we decided to expand BotanicalDEN to a shop front and that is when Paula and Culinary HQ came along. She was looking for someone to take over the kitchen and we came to the decision that my two businesses (Tarts & Co and BotanicalDEN) could work well together in a shared space (that was Culinary HQ).
A couple of months later, Paula made the decision to move on and in August 2018 we acquired our third business, Culinary HQ.
Each arm of the business still exists, Culinary HQ (Cafe), Tarts & Co (Catering) and BotanicalDEN (Blooms). However, after much deliberation we decided to trade under the single name of Tarts & Co. This allows us to better manage the business and one unit, with three distinct functions that complement one another.
We love the space that we have created. A beautiful little hub with three unique aspects. The wonderful and welcoming little Cafe, the Catering behind the scenes in the kitchen plus Blooms and gift ware among it all.
We hope you love it as much as we do.
Bianca and Darren x